Online Shopping Becoming More Like Online Dating

Mobile shoppingAccording to a recent story from the New York Post, consumers can expect online shopping to get even easier. With 67% of shoppers admitting that they are more likely to buy from websites that are mobile device compatible, it was only a matter of time before smartphone users demanded more optimized mobile shopping.

Although shoppers will use their smartphones to do research on a product, 77% of consumers will go to a store to shop.

Now, the future of mobile shopping is starting to closely resemble mobile dating apps. Ken Seiff used to be a top exec over at Brooks Brothers, but now his firm, Beanstalk Ventures, has become a key investor of a new technology called buy buttons. These buy buttons make is easy to speed up the shopping process, just like mobile dating apps have started to do to the relationship process. Seiff says that “the future of mobile shopping is going to be like Tinder, where you can just swipe and get what you want.”

One of the technologies emerging is called PredictSpring, which uses saved information from systems like Apple Pay or Android Pay to allow shoppers to be able to move from website to website to shop, without having to endure repetitive logins and carts. PredictSpring was founded by Nitin Mangtani, who also was responsible for the creation of Google Shopping. Expected clients of the tech include Facebook, Instagram, and Google itself.

“Mobile shopping always has been all about ads,” Mangtani said. “But now, instead of just looking at ads, every single ad will be shoppable and there will be a potential transaction associated with it.”

The tech will allow consumers to shop freely from their Apple watches, as well as any compatible smartphone. The update will help retailers to access their commerce more directly, and is expected to boost online shopping immensely in the coming years.

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