The Leading Source in Business News

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The term “business news” often conjures images of charcoal colored suits, starched white collars, and ties knotted to perfection as business professionals rush about with their brief cases, perfectly coiffed hair, and cell phones glued to their ears. During the past twenty years, internet technology and revolutionary advances in communication have turned the business world on its ear; but despite all of these changes, business professionals still rely on the top business new sources.

Although business news is often thought of as a modern phenomena, its history has been traced back to the middle ages. During those less egalitarian times, however, business journalism existed almost exclusively among the communications of wealthy landowners and their families. In the United States, business journalism goes all the way back to 1882 when Charles Dow and Edward Jones founded a wire service in an effort to supply news to Wall Street investment companies. Seven years later, the Wall Street Journal went into publication.

Today, the Wall Street Journal remains the leading source in business news. However, other publications, such as Fox business news, offer more news choice to business professionals. Of course, with the advent of the internet, online news articles continue to grow in popularity among both professionals and laypeople. Thus, every business publication now offers a companion website to its print publication. One of the best examples of online business news is Fox Business Live, which is considered by many to be among the best news sources on the Web.

While business news resources remain crucial to the daily working lives of millions of Americans, the way business professionals are getting their news is in a perpetual state of change. Yesterday, professionals got their business news from print, radio, and television. Today, people get their news via laptops, tablets, and smartphones. While it is impossible to foresee how business news will be accessed 10, 20, or 30 years down the line, you can wager that it will likely remain crucial to the lives of professionals and laypeople, alike.

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