Gardening season is one of the most fruitful and abundant times of the year and is an amazing skill to learn. If you’ve ever wanted to become a gardener, now is the perfect time. Depending on your environment, you may choose raised-bed, traditional, or container-style gardening.
When getting started, determine the best location for your garden. It should be somewhere with good sun exposure throughout the year. Be a tech-savvy gardener by downloading apps to track the sun’s path annually, this will help you identify a prime gardening spot.
It would be best to focus your gardening efforts on growing things that you eat regularly and those that are easy to preserve. Buy them online and earlier in the year to get a good deal on seeds. Some seeds require being started inside to guarantee a good yield.
Prepare your soil based on the gardening style you settled on. Traditional gardening only requires some towing, but raised-bed gardening requires you to buy or build the raised beds and fill them with soil. You may amend your soil by mixing it with some compost or manure, making it more potent and nutrient dense. Lastly, keep your garden watered throughout the season to get those plants happy and hydrated! .