Embrace Sustainable Living at Home
Alabama DOT Worker Killed During National Work Zone Safety Week
National Work Zone Safety Week ended in tragedy this April in Alabama. In an ironic and tragic accident, the Alabama Department of Transportation identified one…
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley Might Be Impeached Over Affair Scandal
Alabama’s very own self-proclaimed “family values” governor might get the boot for a very un-family like reason. According to ThinkProgress.org and multiple media outlets, Gov.…
Alabama Hospitals Receive $80,000 Grant to Prevent Tobacco Use in Teens
The Alabama Department of Public Health awarded an $80,000 grant to Children’s of Alabama and UAB Pediatrics to protect children from the harmful effects of…
Carolina Crime Spree Targeting Custom Trucks
If you are aware of the two different types of spray-on bedliners, which are “oxygen-catalyzed” and “chemically catalyzed,” you are probably into custom trucks. In…
Second-Generation Entrepreneur Hopes to Make North Alabama the ‘Sock Capital of the World’ Once Again
Alabama may not be widely known as a major sock exporter, but Fort Payne was actually producing one out of every eight pairs socks sold…
More Trade With Cuba Could Mean Good News for Alabama Poultry Farmers
Renewed trade with Cuba incites many questions for those who have goods to trade, and among them are Alabama poultry farmers who are anxious to…