Almost ninety percent of American internet users over the age of fourteen browse and research products online, making internet presence a very important part of your business plan and marketing budget. According to some research, more than half of the money spend on US retail will be influenced by online marketing. Sixty four percent of smartphone owners shop online with their mobile devices, and nine out of ten adults use extensive social media platforms. Because of these facts and more, traditional internet marketing, as well as more innovative techniques to boost online sales, is p
Parent tech news category
Is Your Local Business Hurting? Try SEO to Create a Better Web Presence to Grow Your Business
Do you know what search engine optimization can do for your company website? SEO stands for search engine optimization. Which is a technical way of describing the ways you get your site higher up in a google search page. Did you know that less than a quarter of internet users ever even scroll past the first page of search results? The best way to improve you comanys online marketing is to get higher up on that list so you are able to reach more people.
Did you know that over one billion searches are made on the internet each month? With SEO being so important and tons of companies offering to be your SEO reseller, what is the best option for you? If you are running a local business then a local seo reseller may be the best
Ensure Your the Cyber Security of Your Organization
As is the case with many things in life, we do not often think about the burn until after the bite. As such, often we do not think about virus and malware protection and an intrusion prevention system until it is too late. For both personal and business computer systems, this oversight can leave us … Read moreEnsure Your the Cyber Security of Your Organization