The digitization of items traditionally printed on paper is enjoying a sharp rise in popularity. Whereas before people were carrying around their paper business cards, receipts,and the like, now they’re able to use a scanner to load them into a digital filing system that an increasing number of cloud services offer. This rapid switch from hard copy to electronic marks a momentous shift in the business world.
By maintaining records electronically businesses are putting themselves in a great position to save money and stay ahead of the times. Cloud services allow companies to keep large amounts of data without having to buy and maintain large storage potential on site. Further, this data is oftentimes, if not always, available for access by employees off site allowing for more work from home, a fact which may contribute to decreasing overheads for smaller companies. All of this is naturally done in a secure fashion.
Beyond just the costs of on site computing, there is the cost of printing material to consider. Paper, ink, printers, and copiers all cost money to replace and repair. When you consider that ninety five percent of a company’s information is put onto paper and that each worker prints out close to fifty sheets daily, as reported by the International Data Corporation, you can imagine just how much money is being spent on paper alone.
Things are changing, with CRN stating that by 2014 cloud computing by small businesses will hit the one hundred billion dollar mark. Gartner analysts further expect that sixty percent of all on site server workload will be completely virtualized by 2018. This marks not only a change in costs for businesses but a huge move away from paper that we’ve all relied on for so long.
This shift won’t be without added costs of course, at least at first. Laptop scanners and other types of portable scanner will need to be bought so that employees can scan documents on the fly. The business card reader will become an ever more popular thing as people carry around a digital form of this precious corporate ID. Who would have thought a thing like a business card reader would ever exist? At any rate, complete digitization is the wave of the future that businesses are utilizing to cut costs and stay current.
Seriously? A business card reader? They aren’t expensive and don’t use a lot of paper.
When you consider that active businessmen hand out hundreds of the things a year, they do get expensive and do use a lot of paper. When you can share the same information digitally, through an app or something, why shouldn’t you?
When you consider that active businessmen hand out hundreds of the things a year, they do get expensive and do use a lot of paper. When you can share the same information digitally, through an app or something, why shouldn’t you?
When you consider that active businessmen hand out hundreds of the things a year, they do get expensive and do use a lot of paper. When you can share the same information digitally, through an app or something, why shouldn’t you?
When you consider that active businessmen hand out hundreds of the things a year, they do get expensive and do use a lot of paper. When you can share the same information digitally, through an app or something, why shouldn’t you?
When you consider that active businessmen hand out hundreds of the things a year, they do get expensive and do use a lot of paper. When you can share the same information digitally, through an app or something, why shouldn’t you?
When you consider that active businessmen hand out hundreds of the things a year, they do get expensive and do use a lot of paper. When you can share the same information digitally, through an app or something, why shouldn’t you?