Where Do You Go If Your Doctor’s Office Is Close?

Urgent care hours

When you need medical attention quickly, where are you going to go? To an emergency room? To your primary physician? Emergency rooms have incredibly long waits, and wind up costing you hundreds of dollars. And as for your primary physician, less than a third (29 percent) of primary care doctors that practice in the United States offer after hours coverage, so unless you’re injured or sickened during the work day, good luck.

Thankfully, there are convenient care facilities to take care of you for times like these. Convenient care facilities are open later and on weekends, and address medical urgencies that are not necessarily emergencies. Some of the the conditions that are most often treated by convenient care centers include sprains and strains; fractures; upper respiratory illnesses; gastrointestinal con

Read moreWhere Do You Go If Your Doctor’s Office Is Close?

Comparing Urgent Cares to Emergency Rooms

Us healthworks

Did you know that about half of patients who go to ER are there because they were not sick enough to be admitted to a hospital, but the office of their doctor was closed? What many people might not realize is that Urgent Care centers are another option for medical treatment.

There are several differences between Urgent Care and emergency rooms. Urgent Care locations are intended for injuries and ailments that are not serious enough that they require immediate medical attention. Emergency rooms, on the other hand, are good for people who do require immediate or intensive medical intervention.

A good rule of thumb is that medical Urgent Cares are for situations where you can go in yourself, and you expect to come back out on the same day. Urgent Care facilities treat conditions such as fractures, sprains, ga

Read moreComparing Urgent Cares to Emergency Rooms

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