There is a misconception that internet marketing is all about focusing on content created by copywriters and the SEO analysis offered by marketing pros. While those things are definitely crucial parts of the equation, the fact is that SEO web design, specifically mobile web design, is an increasingly important piece of the puzzle.
Spending on banners and rich media is expected to reach a global total of $1.5 billion in 2013. Likewise, search marketing spending is set to increase to $2.2 billion. There is little secret about the increase behind search engine spending, but what about rich media offered through effective, responsive web design? Consider the following.
- SEO and Web Design Are Not Separate Things
The fact is that search engine optimization and web design are no longer two separate things. SEO web design is all about building a great looking, usable page that is full of content that search engines can catalog. Consider, a web design company can fill meta-data parameters, like alt-tags, meta-titles, and the like, with keyword rich search material, adding to what web surfers can use to find your site.
- A Slow Webpage is a Dead Webpage
Especially when it comes to mobile web design, a slow webpage is a dead webpage. 48% of mobile users say that they become frustrated when using a website that either has no optimization or poor optimization for mobile platforms. Slow loading is just one symptom of poor SEO web design. According to TechNewsDaily, a website that takes longer than five seconds to load will be skipped by 56% of web users.
- Navigability is Crucial
75% of mobile web users want two main things from your SEO web design. Firstly, they want to be able to find what they are looking for within one or two clicks. Secondly, they want a search bar that is built into your page so they can easily find what they are visiting your page to find. Missing either function will likely drop customer satisfaction with your site considerably.
- Customers Have to Feel Valued
The key to effective digital marketing, whether done through copywriting or SEO web design, is offering your consumers, potential and actual, value for interacting with you. More and more mobile users want their favorite brands to interact with them via their favorite mobile devices by receiving coupons and discounts on said devices. Web design experts can design a landing page that allows your visitors to input their information so that you can easily send them hot deals for your products or services.
As you can see, utilizing high quality web design services is the key to SEO web design that gives your customers, mobile or otherwise, what they want. As in traditional forms of marketing, success is all about giving your customers what they want. Let them find you easier in search engine results and give them a deal through improved web design. Decrease your load time while simultaneously increasing navigability to harness the power of mobile users. SEO web design firms can offer you these abilities and much more. Good refereneces.